Proceedings of the Workshop on Small-Holder Poultry Rearing: A Sustainable Livelihood Opportunity for the Rural Poor
Jan 18, 2011
The workshop was designed with the objective of building awareness on the immense potential of poultry rearing as a viable income earning opportunity for the rural poor, identifying opportunities that the poultry sector presents, and planning what needs to be done to enable smallholders to participate in and benefit from an expanding poultry market. (Refer to the concept note)
Over 80 participants from government programmes and research institutions, NGOs and donor agencies attended the day-long workshop, which was inaugurated by Dr. Amarjeet Singh Nanda, Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Government of India, who also delivered the workshop key-note address.
Download the Workshop Proceedings 768 KB
Presentations made during the workshop can be viewed from the following links:
- Small-Holder Poultry Rearing - A Sustainable Livelihood Opportunity for the Rural Poor - Dr A.S. Nanda (Download
- Indian Poultry Sector - Integrating Poor & Small-holders: Opportunities & Challenges - Mr Anish Kumar (Download
- Livelihood Security through House-hold Poultry Rearing in Bastar: Interventions and Impact - Dr P.K. Shinde (Download