Feb 21, 2013

On an average, the birth weight is about 2 kg. The age at first kidding is 19-20 months. Sirohi goats are usually maintained under field grazing, however, stall feeding has also been observed. The breed is a dual purpose breed, reared for both milk and meat. The milk yield averages about 418 ml a day over a 168 day lactation period. The yield is higher for goats kidding between July and September than in December, due to better fodder availability and more ambient temperatures and also when supplemental feed of concentrate is given. Lactation is also affected by the number of kids born, being higher when there are single births. Kidding is usually twice a year, with approximately 40% of the births comprising single kids and 60% twins. According to the 18th Livestock Census 2007, the number of Sirohi goats in the country is 2,909,286.
Adult Male | Adult Female | |
Average Body weight (kg) | 42 to 44 | 35 |
Average Body length (cm) | 78 to 80 | 74 |
Average Height at withers (cm) | 79 to 81 | 75 |
Average Chest girth (cm) | 77 to 80 | 74 |