Small Holder Poultry
Percentage of population which depends directly on poultry as a source of income in India
Poultry sector now employs over 2.0 million people. At least 80% of employment in the poultry sector is generated directly by farmers, while 20% is engagedtable1 in allied activities like feed production, pharmaceuticals, equipment etc
Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation of Indigenous Poultry Breeds of Bhutan
The workshop provided an opportunity to incorporate recommendations into the livestock policy that is currently being finalized. This was the first time that indigenous poultry and its conservation was being discussed.
[Breed Conservation]
[Small Holder Poultry]
[Indigenous Poultry Breeds]
Proceedings of the Workshop in Bangladesh on ‘Implementation of the National Livestock Development Policy (2007) and National Poultry Development Policy (2008) – Impact on Smallholder Livestock Rearers’ (2011)
The workshop was designed with the objective of assessing the implementation of the two policies, and in particular the impact of policy implementation on the livelihoods of smallholder livestock rearers.
[Livestock Policy]
[Small Holder Poultry]
Proceedings of the Workshop on Small-Holder Poultry Rearing: A Sustainable Livelihood Opportunity for the Rural Poor
The workshop was designed with the objective of building awareness on the immense potential of poultry rearing as a viable income earning opportunity for the rural poor, identifying opportunities that the poultry sector presents, and planning what needs to be done to enable smallholders to participate in and benefit from an expanding poultry market.
[Small Holder Poultry]
Low Cost Designs for Poultry Shelter - Experiences; Referrals
A well designed poultry shelter forms an integral part of the sustainable management practices for poultry rearing. Various aspects require consideration while designing a good poultry shed.
Poultry sector country review – Bangladesh and India
The report highlights the profile and geographical distribution of poultry flocks in addition to their production, consumption, trade and pricing patterns, and discusses current policies and legal frameworks while analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the poultry sector and growth projections for the next five years.
[Small Holder Poultry]
Poultry Based Livelihoods of the Rural Poor - Case Study of Kuroilers in West Bengal
The main objectives of this workshop were to share the preliminary findings of the study ‘Poultry based livelihoods of the rural poor - Case Study of Kuroilers in West Bengal’ with key stakeholders.
[West Bengal]
[Small Holder Poultry]
Proceedings of the Learning Event 1 - "Small Scale Poultry Production"
The main objectives of this Learning Event on Small Scale Poultry Production, were to share and develop an understanding of Good Practices identified and documented by representatives from India, Bangladesh and Bhutan
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