Small Holder Poultry
Family poultry production - Introduction to family poultry economics
The video describes the contribution of economics to the development of different family poultry production systems, including scavenge based, free range, semi-intense and intensive systems.
Family poultry production - Social equity and assessing change
The video describes the characteristics of scavenge based, small scale intensive and large scale intensive poultry production systems in relation to the production environment, interactions with markets and the actors involved.
Family poultry production - Calculating productivity
This video presentation is part three of a five part series on the economics of family poultry production. It explains the difference between the terms production and productivity and the principle of gross margin analysis.
Family poultry production - Assessing poultry systems
This video presentation is part four of a five part series on the economics of family poultry production.
Family poultry production – Budgeting
The video explains budgeting procedures and steps on how to assess change of economic parameters in poultry production systems.
Poultry sector country review – Bangladesh and India
The report highlights the profile and geographical distribution of poultry flocks in addition to their production, consumption, trade and pricing patterns, and discusses current policies and legal frameworks while analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the poultry sector and growth projections for the next five years.
[Small Holder Poultry]
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