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by jyoti — last modified Oct 29, 2013 11:53 AM
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Pronounced as 'bushfelt', this term originates from the Afrikaans word ‘bosveld’, which is composed of the words ‘bos’ meaning ‘bush’, and 'veld’ meaning ‘field’. It has become a generic term to refer to the wild, open and unpopulated spaces of Sub-Saharan Africa, though nowadays it is more specifically used to refer to game reserves. (Source – The Safari Guide)

Broody hen

A hen that has stopped laying eggs and wants to sit on eggs to hatch them and to brood chicks. This is on account of hormonal changes that lead to changes in behavior and physiology resulting in increased maternal instincts.


Blue-tongue is a non-contagious vector borne viral disease affecting sheep. The virus is an arbovirus (arbovirus is a term used to refer to a group of viruses that are transmitted by arthropod vectors such as fleas, ticks and spiders) that naturally infects domestic animals and is transmitted by several species of Culicoides (biting midges). The insect vectors of the blue-tongue virus breed in moist conditions in a variety of habitats, particularly damp, muddy areas and in faecal and plant matter.

Backyard poultry

Traditional poultry rearing generally undertaken by women of poor, marginalized house-holds. The birds are raised in a scavenging/ semi-scavenging system, for household nutrition and food, and supplementary income. Usually small flocks of one to ten desi (non-descript)/ indigenous/improved birds are raised in homestead areas or on farms close to homestead areas.


A young male goat.

Buck (Billy)

A male goat used for breeding.


The maternal instinct causing a female to sit or want to hatch eggs.


A young meat-type chicken, usually 7-8 weeks of age, of either sex, usually weighing between 1 1/2 to 2 Kg.


A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.


Vaccination that follows the first in a series.

Biotic pressure

The tendency of a species or community to extend its range.


Management measures taken to prevent disease causing agents from entering or leaving any place housing livestock.


Material scattered on the floor of a chicken coop to absorb moisture and manure. Commonly used material is straw, hay, rice husk, saw dust etc.

Beam House

In leather processing, the beam house is a place where the initial wet operations of tanning or pre-tanning requiring soaking in water and solutions of alkali, are carried out.

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