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by jyoti — last modified Jan 27, 2014 02:39 PM
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Complete set of eggs produced or incubated at one time.

Cluster approach

A cluster is a group of rural habitations/ villages generally comprising similar community groups and socio-economic profiles. In the context of rural development, a village cluster approach comprises the grouping of villages within a radius ranging from 5-20 kms, to better target development interventions.

Chrome Tanning

Chrome tanning is the more modern process of tanning, using powdered chrome as the tanning substance. There are two major stages to the chrome tanning process: production of semi-finished leather through wet blue tanning and crust formation, and leather finishing. Both these stages can be done in the same tannery or can be divided between different tanneries. A combination of manual and mechanized operations is possible.


A young male goat.

Buck (Billy)

A male goat used for breeding.


The maternal instinct causing a female to sit or want to hatch eggs.


A young meat-type chicken, usually 7-8 weeks of age, of either sex, usually weighing between 1 1/2 to 2 Kg.


A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.


Vaccination that follows the first in a series.

Biotic pressure

The tendency of a species or community to extend its range.

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